Tuesday, February 26, 2013

UT Lacrosse

University of Texas students enjoy an evening of soccer and Quiddich at Clark Field. Clark Field is a common place to find undergraduates getting exercise on the track or field

The field empties in preparation for that evenings practice. The Men's and Women's teams reserve field time each week. 

The nets are set up awaiting the team to take the field.

The first members of the UT lacrosse team arrive for their nightly practice at the Caven Lacrosse and Sports Center

A team member ties his cleats and puts on other gear such as elbow and shoulder pads, gloves, and a helmet.  

Brian Marmillion receives medical tape on his ankles from training staff.   
Jonah Wolf puts on his offensive jersey before practice. Each jersey is reversible so that players can switch between offense and defense.
Chris Purdue, attack, takes the field first for Thursday's practice. 

Jordan Lee, Jr., warms up with Head Coach Andy Garrigan. 

The team stretches together after a brief warmup consisting of a light jog around the field and tossing the ball back and forth with a partner. 

Sam Jones, left, outruns defensive player Timmy Tyrrell in an attempt to score. Similar to ice hockey, there is space on the field behind the goal for players to use.

Coach Andy Garrigan gives instruction to midfielder Roderick Mayberry.  This is Garrigan's first year coaching the squad.
The team runs offensive drills on one side of the field, while in the distance the girl's lacrosse team practices. 

Reece Dinkins, midfielder, approaches the defense as he begins an offensive set-up.

Josh Francis, junior, catches his breath with his teammates as they receive instruction.